Now since programmers will have to work with these languages over and over again with much of the app’s code written on the back-end, this whole thing becomes so particularly importance.
When it comes to creating back-end app development projects, the following languages are known to be the most popular. They are
Depending on your specific needs, you are free to work with any language for your back-end development. However, it is important to understand that they all have their own pros and cons. At this point, there is no need to consider the benefits and drawbacks of these languages as this post is primarily focused on the factors to consider when choosing a programming language.
1. Strength of the back-end
Even when unexpected things happen, how robust (vigorous), is the back-end to keep working? There is need to prepare your app for unforeseen circumstances. An app that is not prepared for a huge number of actions from users such as making purchases and log-ins will definitely crash. This act alone can make a business owner lose an entire consumer base.
In order to respond actively to unexpected situations, there is need to take the strength of your app into full consideration. A well strengthened or robust app will be capable of accommodating users on a deal hunt (regardless of their number and time of logging in) all at once.
After any app development, it is important you test your app over and over again to ensure this full strength. App testing can be done both from the user’s point of view and within the code. As an app designer or developer, it is highly recommended that you test within the code as it can help you discover a wide range of crashes. If you are looking to assess the final proof of your app, it is mandatory you perform the first test.
A great way to ensure app strength is by putting it in the worst possible situation. Though such situations may not likely seem to happen, however, it is good to know that the weak points of an app can only be revealed by trying to break it. These are some of the things your users will experience with the app.
2. Security of the back-end
Due to the way and manner the back-end constantly interacts with data, the importance of following secure practices cannot be overemphasized. In fact, when your app interacts with sensitive information such as medical, personal or financial data, this practice even becomes more essential.
The following recommendations are proposed if you must build secure back-ends.
Encrypt your databases.
Use secure connections such as HTTPS
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3. Scalability of the back-end
Scalability in this scenario refers to the “flexibility” of the backend. When it comes to integrating new codes or “work questions” (as they were formally referred to), the scalability of the structure is highly crucial. If your app is designed to work in the long run, the role of this feature cannot be underestimated.
As a constant factor, change within apps is unavoidable. It is one of the most common challenges most mobile app developers encounter. So try to develop your back-end such a scalable way.